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larue 13-10-2020 08:47 AM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster

Originally Posted by fallen11 (Post 20264848)
Quite same as me bro.
I'm intorvert and also like being alone most of the time except when i'm horny haha. Horny just go out find some paid sex, no feelings harmed. When not horny i just want to do my own things in my own world.
Getting married / having kids is certainly not one of my life objectives. Dont see the point in that.

I don’t buy the having kids to look after you in old age nonsense, but are you sure you want to grow old like that?

I get the no kids, but I’ve always felt that in old age if not family, one ought to have a partner, or friends to be with. Friends and/or partners can be like family too.

It sounds acceptable to you now, but are you sure you want to live like this for the rest of your life?

fallen11 13-10-2020 08:46 PM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster

Originally Posted by larue (Post 20265671)
I don’t buy the having kids to look after you in old age nonsense, but are you sure you want to grow old like that?

I get the no kids, but I’ve always felt that in old age if not family, one ought to have a partner, or friends to be with. Friends and/or partners can be like family too.

It sounds acceptable to you now, but are you sure you want to live like this for the rest of your life?

Maybe yes maybe no
But having kids for sure is not one of my priorities now.
Even if you have a kid, it doesnt mean you wont grow old lonely too.
Kids grow up, can dont support you
Kids grow up, can dont live with you. They can choose to disappear from you forever.
Kids are not an investment. You dont have kids just to hope for something in return when they grow up. Their financial support, their emotional support, etc. You'll never gain from this investment which will require so much in your life to support.
Maybe i might have kids 1 day. Maybe when i'm 60 and still able. But certainly wont want to have kids now or in the near future.

About partner. Yes i would love to have a partner. For company.... not to tie me down from my lifestyle.
So marriage would be unfair to the woman.
Then again..... whats the point of marriage?
Cant be together forever without any marriage involved?
Marriage nowadays, is pretty much an action in name only.
Unmarried can find other woman anytime
Married also can find other woman anytime
If both hearts are not along the same thinking.
So why marry?
Want to have a kid? Also dont need to marry. Just register as the kid's father.
illegitimate kid? how to be illegitimate when you dont even have any legitimate kids in the first place?
Inheritence to partner and kid when you're gone from this world? Make a will to handle that.

5vamp5 14-10-2020 05:36 PM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster

Originally Posted by fallen11 (Post 20266784)
Maybe yes maybe no
But having kids for sure is not one of my priorities now.
Even if you have a kid, it doesnt mean you wont grow old lonely too.
Kids grow up, can dont support you
Kids grow up, can dont live with you. They can choose to disappear from you forever.
Kids are not an investment. You dont have kids just to hope for something in return when they grow up. Their financial support, their emotional support, etc. You'll never gain from this investment which will require so much in your life to support.
Maybe i might have kids 1 day. Maybe when i'm 60 and still able. But certainly wont want to have kids now or in the near future.

About partner. Yes i would love to have a partner. For company.... not to tie me down from my lifestyle.
So marriage would be unfair to the woman.
Then again..... whats the point of marriage?
Cant be together forever without any marriage involved?
Marriage nowadays, is pretty much an action in name only.
Unmarried can find other woman anytime
Married also can find other woman anytime
If both hearts are not along the same thinking.
So why marry?
Want to have a kid? Also dont need to marry. Just register as the kid's father.
illegitimate kid? how to be illegitimate when you dont even have any legitimate kids in the first place?
Inheritence to partner and kid when you're gone from this world? Make a will to handle that.

Well said bro, thumbs up!!

newswing 04-07-2021 03:31 PM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster
I just have to post and share.
Double lives....yes.
Paid for sex!
I don't talk about sex and porn with my colleagues eventhough some of them brag but I have engaged in hardcore sex with Thai and China GIRLS.
It's not something I'm proud of.
I think I do not have the same interest of hobby with some of my colleagues.
Music, architecture, fashion and sex.
Lonely...more so during covid.
Sometimes I feel depressed, if I wanna kill myself.. I will go to Thailand.
Have lots of sex and drugs and put a gun to my head.

I will share some more next time

superfucker6969 05-07-2021 08:43 PM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster
I only have one advice, never allow yourself to be low confidence. I too have same path like you, been treated as less of a person and taken advantage of, even my lover also take advantage on me because she knows i will not break with her.

But through some painful awakening, i leaned to love myself first and have confidence in myself. Because if you do not have confidence and love your self first, nobody will and you will be easily exploited

tanyifu 06-07-2021 11:53 PM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster
Started chionging in early 20s. Siam dui, ktv. Dabao budget hotel piak piak. You name it I did it.

Managed to have double life and have r/s with sg girls over the years. But 1 by 2 alll leave me cause they cheat on me or they sian of me and stop loving me.

So here I am, early 30s still single staying with parents. Poor with avg paying job. Freaking aimless in life now. Losing faith in relationship

And like other Samsters said here too. Despite all the high and fun life of chionging end of the day what I feel is being empty.

superfucker6969 07-07-2021 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by tanyifu (Post 20725587)
Started chionging in early 20s. Siam dui, ktv. Dabao budget hotel piak piak. You name it I did it.

Managed to have double life and have r/s with sg girls over the years. But 1 by 2 alll leave me cause they cheat on me or they sian of me and stop loving me.

So here I am, early 30s still single staying with parents. Poor with avg paying job. Freaking aimless in life now. Losing faith in relationship

And like other Samsters said here too. Despite all the high and fun life of chionging end of the day what I feel is being empty.

Agree.. same as you. Chiong to feel physical intimacy with girl and atleast some emotional connection just to feel life is better.. at the end of day is just emptiness

fallen11 07-07-2021 01:44 PM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster

Originally Posted by tanyifu (Post 20725587)
Started chionging in early 20s. Siam dui, ktv. Dabao budget hotel piak piak. You name it I did it.

Managed to have double life and have r/s with sg girls over the years. But 1 by 2 alll leave me cause they cheat on me or they sian of me and stop loving me.

So here I am, early 30s still single staying with parents. Poor with avg paying job. Freaking aimless in life now. Losing faith in relationship

And like other Samsters said here too. Despite all the high and fun life of chionging end of the day what I feel is being empty.

dont think your emptiness comes from cheonging, but rather from the lack of objective in life. Find something to work towards to.

expatamerican 08-07-2021 11:09 PM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster

Originally Posted by MrFuck (Post 20232402)
I think a lot of bros can relate to this; the feeling of being a lonely chiongster. Most of us live double lives; in our public persona, we are probably seen as someone decent and no one would actually believe we are paying for sex, but well, we are.

For myself, I'm from a decent middle class family, and I've always seen as a "good boy" in everyone's eyes, from schooling days all the way to my working place. Everyone sees me as the good innocent boy. At the same time, I am pretty undesirable, I'm everything opposite of the ideal image of a man. Opposite of tall, good looking, rich, talents, and normal. None of my dates go beyond the 1st date, I've been ghosted countless times both in real life and online, I've never been in any relationship before, and none of my friends are keen on introducing me to anybody. In that sense, no one pays attention to my love life, I'm just an unimpressionable good boy in their eyes whom they will deem not good enough for their friends, and that I will eventually find someone, but nobody wants to be that someone. That's okay, I've accepted it.

But I got to say, I foresee my road ahead to be a pretty lonely one, I will continue chiong because I have pretty high sex drive, but it will all be off the radar. Hopefully I will be able to maintain this double life for as long as possible.

Any bros out here living a "double life" as well?

If you are single and unattached why is it a "double" life? You may keep some parts of your life private but doesnt mean its a double life.

TingWai 17-07-2021 09:49 PM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter (Post 20729207)
probably means that he cant go around telling work mates or close associates that he goes around fucking lonely cant share his latest good or bad fuck over a beer

Agreed, being the only guy in my department, its almost impossible for me to
talk about comm sex with my collegues.

JacqueMerlin 16-08-2021 10:08 AM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster
Some of the most bizarre experience with people who infulde in revelry are the contradictory ones. I advocate problem free thinking partying while some can let themselves held hostage by desires which many of us can control.

The loneliness of pure revelry is admittedly mentally debilitating but the upsides of having no baggages is sufficient to offset it. However, when the vulnerabilities of men who lose themselves into an entanglement of a cataclysmic relationship gets the better of their sanity, these people often lose not only their money but their reputation and at times even legal libety.

The Lonely Fool
One of them was a man in his 30s who was stupid enough to pour every bit of his limited monthly wage into girls who ply the sex trade or dodgy entertainment industries.He is already without savings, does not make more than 4K in his late 30s and has been in the same job for 10 years in the same position. Got too comfortable in that and was unwilling to move even when we nudged him again and again, with some even offered to arrange interviews for him during reservist. He ended up committing himself into a relationship with a Vietnamese girl who offered him some sex for letting her stay at his singles flat free of charge. Then she got into some vice related activities and he got implicated. He may have been exonerated eventually but the cost was simply too much.

The Lonely Coward
I also knew another who was obsessed with a colleague from the operations department. Besotted by her somewhat Jolin Tsai's lookalike appearance, he would take photos of her without anyone knowing and then showed us her photo. I do admit she is quite pretty and in some ways resembles Jolin Tsai. But she was also attached and he had no guts to win her heart in the face of competition. So he would go to the clubs and drown himself in sorrow and at times, when a look alike working girl appears, dump his money into her to secure her for the night.

The Lonely Wise Man
There is also a solidarity of men who pertinently reserve their resources for priorities that allow them to extensively party. They are logical and also wise. They compare the worthiness and know when it is time to cut loss or let go. They think even before they commit anything and are able to distinguish the difference between a random shag and a relationship. They most certainly make more than the fool I described above.

SadLoser 09-10-2021 04:09 AM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster
I was feeling bored and lonely at home today, so decide to drive down to Orchard Ion alone just to grab dinner and walk around.

Basket end up I felt even more lonely & miserable... the moment I reached the shopping ctr, everywhere were dating couples. And most of the gals are quite slim & pretty. And some of the gals seems so arrogant, gave me that sniggering, despise look when they caught me stealing a glance at them. I felt like a loser wandering alone and eating alone on a Fri night at the city center where everyone else was either dating or with friends :(

Life is really unfair. Some guys always can find pretty GFs easily- maybe cos they are physically attractive/charming or have a wealthy family background. Some guys like me average and not attractive, seems destined for loneliness my entire life.

SadLoser 09-10-2021 04:23 AM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster

Originally Posted by pearlnjewel (Post 20233017)

I can relate to you. I'm living a double life like you too haha. No one knows my double life except my friends and I go to siam diu and ktv together. There is nothing we can do now except to become the type of girls they want. They want strong character, good at articulating and they must like you. The last point is subjective depending on each girl preference, be yourself and as one bro here shared, always be selfless and no expectation of sex, only treat them as friend. If the girl get closer to become gf eventually give sex good.

The truth is likely you can't easily get sex from normal girl in today environment. I have no manual for that too. Just focus on doing what you like in your career. You may find out tomorrow that you have stage 4 cancer and left with months to live. Enjoy today and do what you want, go out with friends.

Technology has made girls assume supremacy in today's courting, they see many guys like their profile or chat them up and they want to run. If one day the girl find out that in their lifetime there is only one guy chatting the girl up it will become supply and demand, even if that only guy is normal like you and I, the girl will like you because supply and demand. There are too many choices for the girls nowadays. They want guys to stand out.


Just sharing my humble opinions on this- there's absolutely nothing wrong for a guy to be paying for sex or companionship in any form. Cos it's damm hell difficult for an average joe to get any actions from normal gals these days.

In this era of social media & dating apps, any average gal will get lots & lots of validation online and endless messages/prepositions from guys all the times. They simply have to sit back, eat popcorns and pick the best dude from the lot - whether is it for dating or for a casual fling.

Being a gal in today's society is literally life on easy mode. Being a pretty gal literally is like the world is handed to u on a sliver platter. Spoilt for choice, receive endless validations & support from simps etc

For a guy - u really gotta stand out in terms of looks/height/wealth to be even given a chance.

So of course many more guys go for commercial sex as compared to gals who can find companionship much much easier

privaterafe86 15-10-2021 02:43 AM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster

Originally Posted by JacqueMerlin (Post 20787173)
The Lonely Fool

Haven't started living the double life but I can see myself just giving up on everything and settling on what that lonely fool is doing.

ugggh... I really gotta cut down on junk food and exercise more. If not to look better to others, at least so that I have a healthier life.

SalvatoreO 17-10-2021 08:48 PM

Re: The Lonely Chiongster
Hi 5 bro.

Almost thirty. Never had a girlfriend before.

Every sexual experience I had is from paying money.

Pretty much give up looking for a partner.

Chiong safe and be happy!

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